ASR | aquifer storage and recovery |
ASTR | aquifer storage, transfer, and recovery |
ATW | advanced treated water |
BLM | Bureau of Land Management |
CEC | Contaminant of Emerging Concern |
cfs | cubic feet per second |
FERC | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission |
gpm | gallons per minute |
LID | low impact development |
MAR | managed aquifer recharge |
MCL | Maximum Contaminant Level |
mgd | million gallons per day |
MIW | mining-influenced waters |
NGO | nongovernmental organization |
NMFS | National Marine Fisheries Service |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
OCWD | Orange County Water District |
OM&M | operations, maintenance, and monitoring |
PFAS | per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances |
RI | rapid infiltration |
TDS | total dissolved solids |
TOC | total organic carbon |
TSS | total suspended solids |
tTEM | towed transient electromagnetic methods |
UIC | underground injection control |
USACE | United States Army Corps of Engineers |
USBR | United States Bureau of Reclamation |
USFWS | United States Fish and Wildlife Service |
USDW | underground source of drinking water |
USEPA | United States Environmental Protection Agency |